What we do:
Delfan IT Solutions has already developed several interactive web-portals for multiple organizations in the private and public sector. Some examples are web-portals for the healthcare (Health Information System), health benchmark organizations, insurance
agencies, army and municipalities.
Delfan IT Solutions has already developed several interactive web-portals for multiple organizations in the private and public sector. Some examples are web-portals for the healthcare (Health Information System), health benchmark organizations, insurance
agencies, army and municipalities.
Delfan IT Solutions has already developed several interactive web-portals for multiple organizations in the private and public sector. Some examples are web-portals for the healthcare (Health Information System), health benchmark organizations, insurance
agencies and municipalities.
Nowadays still more On-Promise Intranets are being transferred into cloud based and/or hybrid solutions. Office 365 and Azure are good examples of the cloud solutions on which Delfan IT Solution is able to implement for your organization.
Mobile applications can highly improve flexibility and mobility of your organization. Remote working and having access to your data at all places is becoming a game breaker in the coming years. According to McKinsey & Company (December 2015), mobile applications
offer significant opportunities for increasing revenue as well as lowering costs. Delfan IT Solutions helps your organization to become mobile ready.